Sunday, January 13, 2008

motherhood is never boring!

so where do I begin? Bathtime this evening, 4 kids, by myself. No big deal, I do it all the time. Just last week though, I think it was my friend Tara? can't remember, told a group of us moms about kids pooping in the bathtub. I laughed at her funny story and then thought to myself "wow do I have my act together: I bathe 4 kids and it's easy!" So tonight was God reminding me yet again that I have nothing together and it's all by His grace and favor that I can do ANYTHING.

OK, I put Brennan and Brooke in the kid's bathroom tub, water is running, things are great. I put Brady and Boone in my bathtub with their toys, like I said - easy! I take turns moseying back and forth, scrubbing shampoo, rinsing, etc. I take Brennan out, and as I'm lathering him up with his prescription lotion for his eczema, I hear the boys laughing. that is not a good sign. Ok, put Brennan to bed "love you, gotta run!" and check out the boys. Oh my, a tub full of poop (diarrhea no less) and Brady is laying flat on his back in about 1 inch of water. He is covered in...not water! And he's laughing, and boy does it smell in here! There are also about 20 toys, also covered. Boone is the culprit and no he's not fully potty trained yet. What to do? Ok, stick the boys in my shower and tell them to stand under the water flow and rinse off. I grab bleach and get to work on the toys, one by one rinsing and gathering, scrubbing and trying to wash it all down the drain. As I'm doing this, I'm being serenated by the boys shouting their song from church this morning "Praeeee aaaaeeee aaaeeee aise the Lord!"

Meanwhile, they've turned the shower on high power, I hear Brooke's water flowing again (she loves to fill it up super high), I've got the tub running, and oh yeah the washing machine is filling too. So much for a drought in Charlotte!

ok, tub clean, toys clean, like I said, easy! Then Brady yells from the shower, "mommy I have to go poopie, can I just go down this drain?" NOOOOO! I grab him, stick him on the toilet, and tell him to stay put until I come back. Pick up Boone, as I'm carrying him into his room for bed, I step on one of those little kid's puzzle pieces that have a little stick coming out of the top. WOW PAIN!!! But I hold it in, bite by lip and smile. No use upsetting anyone. And then, as I lay Boone in bed, I feel God's presence, total peace in the room. It is so sweet. We just talked this afternoon about thanking God always. There is so much to be thankful for! Thank you that Boone doesn't need a pacifier anymore, not even to sleep. Thank you that we have 2 bathtubs. Thank you for bleach. Thank you that Brady was laughing and didn't get upset, he has such a great attitude! As I leave Boone, peacefully asleep already, I find Brooke and Brady already dry, in their pajamas, with brushed teeth and reading a book together. That picture was worth 2000 words. Aah, this craziness will not last forever...but sometimes I wish it would!


Anonymous said...

Yet again I marvel at your wonderful attitude in the midst of your chaos. You WOW me Pam. It's like you have this abundant measure of God-given Prosac flowing through you at all times.

Jacqueline Branco Lambert said...

Funny story! And no, it didn't gross me out! I remember when Brayd pooped in the tub at 14 months old, he freaked out! He had never actually seen it before!

Yes I too marvel at you wonderful attitude. You wow me too. You grace, energy and strength to do all you do and with a smile!!! God bless you. You shine!

Nikki- "God-given prozac", that's hilarious! I think I am in need!!!