Thursday, June 5, 2008

Month of May Totally Random Updates

Well we're on vacation now so I actually have time to update our blog!!

* Brady has graduated preschool and is ready for kindergarten! We are so proud of him, he looked so handsome and dapper as he walked with his class wearing his graduation cap and singing on stage during the ceremony. Now he is focusing his daily energy on: basketball in the driveway, bike riding, playing on the new gymnastics bar that daddy installed in the backyard, t-ball practice and games, swim lessons and going to the pool. Just the way summer should be.

* Boone was also singing on stage for the end of year preschool ceremony and it was so cute! One of their songs was "My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do..." Well of course Boone shouted it at the top of his lungs and pointed out to the crowd and it was so adorable, he LOVED being the center of attention. (His class was only 6 children and several weren't having any part of the singing/hand motions.) At the end, he just yelled out "THERE'S NOTHING MY GOD CANNOT DO FOR YOU!!!" and kept his arm reaching out to the audience pointing at them for about a minute after the song was over. He had this super intense look on his face, he was so serious and wanted people to know the truth!

* Brooke has finished second grade with a near perfect report card and we are so proud of her! She received a notice in the mail last week letting her know who her teacher is for next year. Immediately after opening it, she called 20 people from her class to ask them which teacher they got. She left a whole bunch of messages. It was hilarious. One girl told her that she didn't know because they hadn't gotten the mail yet - Brooke told her that she would wait on the phone while she went to the mailbox, then her friend said, "I'm not going outside, it's raining", to which Brooke replied, "well just put your shoes on and go get your mail! It's important!" Apparently it's more important to some people than others. :)

* My friend Jessica had a link on her blog about a carbon footprint calculator which is something about how much energy we use up, etc. I love internet calculators, so I took it. I am 24 tons which is above average for the US (not good). But I don't even think that's right because it doesn't ask about diapers and we have been loading up landfills with diapers nonstop since Jan 2000. Just for this trip alone I packed a whole duffel bag with regular diapers, pull-ups, and swim diapers. And 2 tubs of baby wipes. I think they should take that into account; I bet my footprint is actually higher. But I answered really good on the second hand clothes and furniture/appliance questions. I don't think we have one piece of furniture in our whole house that we acquired when it was brand new. Ok, just our kitchen table. We love hand me downs. (thanks moms and dads and grandmas and The Junior League!!)

* Speaking of calculators: 2 of my other favorite calculators are finding out your real age. and finding out your love language. Try them out! I love any website that tells me I'm really 31!

* Speaking of hand me downs, this is a cool tidbit of info. About 5 years ago, we wanted a kids table and chairs for the playroom and so we looked on the Give and Take list from Central Church of God (all free). And we were given an awesome set from another member there which we still use today. The member? Dell Curry, well known basketball player with a really well known son now, Stephen Curry who played in the recent NCAA tournament for Davidson. So our kids color on the same table that little Stephen used. Isn't that cool? That is, if you follow basketball and have a clue what I'm writing about; I didn't really get it until George explained it to me. The short of it: they are a great Christian family, very generous, very good at basketball and have nice taste in tables.

* For those of you who watch "The Office" like me, were you as disappointed in the season finale and lack of proposal of Jim and Pam? I mean I know it's just a tv show, but c'mon!!!

* About a week ago, just for fun, we took the kids and went to a HUGE RV sales center by the Speedway and checked out about 25 RV's and campers. The kids LOVED it. They tried out bunk beds, were playing house, looking in closets, I can't tell you how much fun they had. They want us to live in an RV now permanently. Maybe we'll rent one for a week someday, but I don't think we'll be buying. One that the kids loved was $87,000! I told the salesman, I can't believe it's so expensive! and he showed me another one that was $400,000! Plasma TV's, hot tubs, the whole nine yards. You really have to see it to believe it. But if you're looking to entertain your little ones for a couple of hours for free, this might be it! (Note: for all you Northerners reading, an RV is a recreational vehicle that is like a little home that you can drive. Think "Meet the Parents #2.)

* ok i'm really tired now so I'll add more this week - remember I'm on vacation and loaded with time :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Pam! I missed my blogging buddy. Hope you're having fun!

Jessica Rodriguez said...

Hey, Pam! We have missed you all . . no excuse but we have been busy house hunting like crazy people. I like that part about Brooke calling on the telephone . . . that's too cute! Oh, and I'm glad you mentioned the carbon footprint thing. Ha Ha! That reminds me that I'm glad I don't have to buy diapers and baby food anymore especially with the gas prices. I don't know how you guys do it. You're Amazing!! I did the real age thing too, but Ash faired much better then me. It made me a year older instead of younger and Ash like 2 years younger:) What happened there?:) Miss you all! I will give you a call. Maybe we can fit in coffee or a movie soon!