Saturday, February 9, 2008

I've been tagged!

Ok, my friend Nikki has "tagged" me in a game where I have to list 7 little known facts about myself. So here goes...

1. I was in a commercial on MTV when I was 20.

2. For 8th grade, I was in a special program in Montreal where all my classes were in French; Religion, Science, Math, History, EVERYTHING!

3. I came in SECOND place for Friendliest and Most School Spirit my Senior year of high school, no wins though :)

4. My first missions trip was to Germany when I was pregnant with Brooke and we had to eat sausage and other nasty German food all week. It was horrible!

5. When I was 8, I hit a "home run" (or so I thought) in softball which was actually a pitiful grounder to the pitcher's mound who then overthrew first, who then overthrew second, and so on and the umpire didn't have the heart to tell me that I had to get back and stay on first base because I was screaming and crying with joy and elation!

6. I used to play the clarinet, flute and saxophone. Now? Only the guitar.

7. When I was very young, all I wanted to be when I grew up was a moviestar!

Okay, now your turn Jessica!


Jacqueline Branco Lambert said...

Wow Pam, I learned so much about you. I can't beleive you didn't win first though! You would have had my vote.

Anonymous said...

I'm interested in that MTV commercial. What were you selling?

Pam Burton said...

It was just my (former) best friend and I acting crazy and dancing in my backyard and they liked it so they made it into a commercial which was advertising "MTV Video Letters" and it aired for about 4 months in 1993. They were trying to get people to send in videos of themselves dancing and singing. Keep in mind that when I was 20 I looked and acted like a 15 year old.