Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Great Apes at the Capes

OK, here's the sad truth. Little Fido, our "surf dog", faithful compadre, catnrat chaser, four legged vacuum and walking flea experiment was eaten by the shark you see. We were all surfing when the shark jumped up and ate Fido and then spit his bones out. Dan, being the biggest, jumped on the shark while Ted bit his fins, George jumped off his surfboard and did a kunk-fu kick right in the chops!! Brad poked his eyes out with a true Three-stooges move (moe would be proud) right when Eric ripped across a wave and shredded his surfboard right over the shark, cutting him to pieces. It was a sight and the first time I saw a shark cry!! Little Fido is now enshrined at the Smithsonian Museum. And you heard the truth you can share this sacred story with your children when you visit. We will always remember little Fido.

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